Architectural splendor of Turkmenbashi Ruhy Mosque


Turkmenistan, богатый своей историей и культурой, представляет один из своих архитектурных шедевров. Этот великолепный объект расположен в тихом поселке Кипчак, всего в нескольких минутах езды от Ашхабада. Мечеть Туркменбаши Рухы, также известная как “Кипчакская мечеть”, воплощает в себе дух и независимость этого уникального места.

Built on a sprawling 36-acre site, the mosque welcomed its first worshippers in 2004. With seven entrances adorned with majestic archways and fountains, the mosque is a symbol of architectural grandeur. It also has a profound spiritual significance.

Impressive capacity and iconic minarets

Imagine a mosque where 10,000 people can pray at the same time. Such is the awe-inspiring capacity of the Turkmenbashi Ruhy Mosque. Proudly towering 91 meters high, the minarets symbolize the momentous year of 1991, when Turkmenistan declared its independence. As if by magic, the minarets and domes are covered with a material that changes color under the influence of sunlight, creating a captivating spectacle against the Turkmen sky.

The central dome, supported by 16 square columns, is a masterpiece in itself. Walls of pristine white marble provide an otherworldly backdrop for the intricate beauty within. Upon entering, one is greeted by a colossal carpet covering an area of 215 square meters.


Beneath the mosque is a parking lot that can accommodate 100 buses and 400 cars, making this spiritual place easily accessible. A meticulously planned 25-acre garden surrounding the mosque is a heavenly corner. Flowers, shrubs and exotic trees from the Kopetdag region flourish in this garden. Despite the proximity of the Karakum Desert, the fountains and pools around the mosque create an oasis-like atmosphere that serenely contrasts with the arid landscape.

Tour of the Turkmenbashi Ruhy Mosque

Планируя путешествие в Туркменистан, не забудьте включить в свой маршрут мечеть Туркменбаши Рухы. Туристическое агентство “Хазар Мерджени” предлагает exclusive tour, that will take you through all the grandeur of this architectural masterpiece. Admire the towering minarets, watch the dome change colors. Feel the charm of the oasis that surrounds this holy place.

Explore the depths of Central Asia with us and enjoy the splendour of the cultural and architectural wonders of Turkmenistan.