
Ancient Merv

Ancient Merv is one of the most majestic and famous cities ever built in Central Asia. It was founded in the 1st millennium BC and was famous for its cultural and commercial achievements. Merv was the largest trading center of the entire Central Asian territory and was located at the crossroads of many trade routes between East and West.

The architecture of Ancient Merv is quite unique and delights everyone who is familiar with this historical place. One of the examples of his architectural achievements is Shakhrisabz, one of the largest building complexes created in honor of the commercial and religious center of Merv in the 8th-10th centuries. Huge earthworks have also been preserved, which date back to the period of prosperity of the city in the 6th-8th centuries. That is why Ancient Merv is rightfully considered one of the most unique and majestic architectural achievements of all human history.

Like many ancient cities, Merv had its prominent rulers who left their mark on history. One of the most famous rulers - Gurgen, established control over the city at the beginning of the 8th century, when Merv was under the Arab conquerors. Gurgen brilliantly used the political and economic disagreements between the Arabs and made Merv independent from the Arab authorities.

However, Merv did not escape its share of destruction and conquest. It was conquered by the Turkic tribes and the Iranian Seljuks, and the city was completely destroyed. But his story will always remain alive in the memory of people. Today, many tourists travel to Merv to see its magnificent history, unique architecture and feel its unique atmosphere.